Documents are typically processed the same day they are sent. If it has been over 24 hours since you last sent your documents, please double check you emailed them to the correct address, [email protected]. Most participants take a picture of their documents and email them using their phone.
We are a small family run business. In many cases, there may just be 1 member of our staff on duty at any given time.
While we make an effort to help every student that contacts us to the highest degree of satisfaction, sometimes we may be helping another student when you contact us. If your message does not get answered quickly it may because we are assisting another student. We will make every effort to respond as quickly as possible.
Can't text? Call us at Phone: 877-848-5754 (toll free). Our phone hours are currently M-F, 8a-5p and closed Sat/Sun. We do monitor voicemails and emails on off hours and we will return your call or process your verification documents as soon as possible. Our chat function (bottom right of this page) can answer most of your questions as well.
Some courts do not send confirmation when they dismiss your ticket. Our services are complete once we have sent notification of completion and remittance to the court. Confirm DDS completion with your court or visit the State case lookup site for verification.
By texting us at the above number you agree to receive sms/text messages from our company regarding your account. We will never send you promotional texts or sell your data to a 3rd party. This agreement isn't a condition of any purchase. by texting the number above you also agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Msg & Data rates may apply. By texting the number, you agree that your mobile information will not be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties, except for the necessary opt-in data required to facilitate the SMS service. Text STOP to opt-out. Text HELP for assistance.